How to Pack an Earthquake Kit You Want to Eat

Even if you were born in California, earthquakes can be unsettling — but you never quite get around to packing that emergency earthquake kit, do you?
If you’re gonna do it, might as well equip it with food that will both sustain you and taste good. Here are some California-made suggestions for yours, selected with maximum enjoyment (rather than economics) in mind. After all, if everything is going to be so screwed up that you happen to find yourself relying on an earthquake kit, a few lovely touches in that kit (like, say, some cold brew matcha powder) might make you feel better or crack a smile in that moment.
If possible, it’s a good idea to have two or three days’ worth of options handy — if you can keep your hands off of these until an actual emergency instead of one you declare on your own. Here’s what I’m thinking:
San Andreas Fault photo By Kate Barton, David Howell, and Joe Vigil -, Public Domain,