Microdosing and the Future of Edibles in California

INTERVIEW BY TAMARA PALMER/PHOTO BY ChingImages.com © mymilligram
I asked Marcia Gagliardi aka mymilligram and Tablehopper where she thinks the edible industry is headed in California as well as what flavors she thinks work best with the flavor of cannabis:
California Eating: What savory flavors/ingredients do you think pair best with the flavor of cannabis in an edible?
Marcia Gagliardi: Green with green! I’m loving the combo with olive oil that is happening, from Pot d’Huile olive oil to the olive oil ganache in the new bonbons from Pantry. I can’t wait to see more products with matcha, and I’m waiting for fennel, tarragon, and other herbs to show up, and pistachio. Atlas did a nice job with their lemongrass and ginger beverage mix and all their granola cluster flavors.
What sweet flavors/ingredients do you think pair best?
The more natural, the better, like the fruit gelées from Garden Society made with real fruit purée—the bright flavors of the strawberry and apple are such a good match; I love putting these gelées on my cheese boards as an accompaniment when I’m entertaining. Somatik’s chocolate Sparks with goji berries and golden berries, another yes! I’m also obsessed with the coconut and cacao notes of Mondo powder—it’s so pretty with the subtle whisper of cannabis, I’ll just eat a scoop on its own, although it’s brill sprinkled on smoothies and ice cream. (Pssst! Mondo is returning in the mymilligram subscription box!)
What do you think are flavor misfires that you see all the time in the edible world?
Ugh, all the sugary sweetness! I can’t stand all the super-sweet gummies made with high fructose corn syrup and fake fruit flavors. So cloying. I just want a buzz, not diabetes.
Do you feel like certain types/categories of edibles are more effective for you?
I am a huge proponent of tinctures and sublinguals and sprays—I appreciate their quick onset, measurable dosage, predictability, and I like the direct-to-my-bloodstream high. Drinks have been really fun to explore—the nano-emulsions and carbonation really can lift you off quickly. But when I have a headache, insomnia, a long flight, or just need to chill, I appreciate my mints and chocolates.
What type of edible do you think is going to experience the most growth, business-wise, moving forward in California?
Beverage! It’s going to be an explosive category. We are just getting started. The new unwind time and space with infused drinks is here.