Saturday at the Peach Pit in Beverly Hills, 90210

Saturday at the Peach Pit in Beverly Hills, 90210


Popped down to Los Angeles on Saturday to shoot the Peach Pit Pop-Up, an IRL creation of the iconic fictional diner from Beverly Hills, 90210, for Issue 3 of California Eating (Issue 2 is on sale now). My full story will come out in print in September, but I wanted to publish a little taste of it now in honor of the #BH90210 season premiere on August 7.

This used to be the old Johnny Rockets on Melrose (in West Hollywood) back in the Nineties, where I once literally stumbled upon Beyonce and Destiny’s Child filming their “Bug-A-Boo” video out front. So it tripped me out when “Say My Name” was playi…

This used to be the old Johnny Rockets on Melrose (in West Hollywood) back in the Nineties, where I once literally stumbled upon Beyonce and Destiny’s Child filming their “Bug-A-Boo” video out front. So it tripped me out when “Say My Name” was playing when I rolled up. They were followed by the Spice Girls, because the Nineties have never left.

@cocoshaheed spotted herself in my Instagram feed!

@cocoshaheed spotted herself in my Instagram feed!

“We got these from Jason Priestley at a convention,” this awesome mom told me!

“We got these from Jason Priestley at a convention,” this awesome mom told me!

Kinda meta, but there was a mini Peach Pit in the outdoor dining area. I’m little, but it was still quite a squeeze to selfie in there.

Kinda meta, but there was a mini Peach Pit in the outdoor dining area. I’m little, but it was still quite a squeeze to selfie in there.

The late Luke Perry received a loving tribute in the form of his own table. His sudden passing is no doubt still a deep shock to his former castmates, who have reunited for this six-episode series.

The late Luke Perry received a loving tribute in the form of his own table. His sudden passing is no doubt still a deep shock to his former castmates, who have reunited for this six-episode series.

Scoring a difficult reservation for a party of one meant getting a coveted counter seat.

Scoring a difficult reservation for a party of one meant getting a coveted counter seat.

It also meant getting to order off of an entirely free and tasty menu of mini burgers, shakes and desserts, an unexpected boon from a heavily corporate sponsored undertaking that could have easily charged anything they wanted for the experience.

It also meant getting to order off of an entirely free and tasty menu of mini burgers, shakes and desserts, an unexpected boon from a heavily corporate sponsored undertaking that could have easily charged anything they wanted for the experience.

Most people probably missed some of my favorite details, a series of 90210 mixtapes in the back room by “Brenda & Brandon’s Bathroom.”

Most people probably missed some of my favorite details, a series of 90210 mixtapes in the back room by “Brenda & Brandon’s Bathroom.”

What would be on Andrea’s “Study Jams” mixtape?

What would be on Andrea’s “Study Jams” mixtape?

It’s a shame if people missed the back area and the bathroom, because that means they missed one of the biggest selfie opportunities in the house. Just imagine if selfies had been a phenomenon in the 90210 daze.

It’s a shame if people missed the back area and the bathroom, because that means they missed one of the biggest selfie opportunities in the house. Just imagine if selfies had been a phenomenon in the 90210 daze.