Deep Taco Fantasies from Los Angeles
Speaking of tacos, I recently learned a lot about people’s innermost taco fantasies one afternoon on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica. On a whim, I decided to spring for a ticket to Tacotopia, one of those typically-annoying Instagram food museums with contrived selfie setups, and loved what was going on in the very back: a collection of visitor-generated taco dreams written on Post-Its and stuck to the wall in color-coordinated patterns that spelled out TACO. Other people were excited to be bucked off a mechanical taco and gulp down little hot sauce samples, but I spent ages blissfully photographing these Post-Its — maybe because it reminded me of a similar afternoon spent photographing graffiti written by Beatles fans on the outer walls of London’s Abbey Road Studios.
Here are some of the Post-Its that tickled me the most: