Tamara Palmer

Seafood Potato Balls Return to Porto's

Tamara Palmer
Seafood Potato Balls Return to Porto's


The 44-year-old Porto’s Bakery is one of my true Southern California weaknesses. I love taking photos of the seemingly endless array of goodies almost as much as tasting them and I’ve ordered frozen cheese rolls from Porto’s Bake at Home in order to conduct very scientific bake ‘n taste tests.

The cheese rolls and the ground beef-filled potato balls are two of the most popular items at Porto’s, but occasionally there are seasonal variations of the latter, like the seafood potato balls that have just returned to the rotation. The filling contains a ragout of shrimp, scallops and calamari with lemon, cilantro and garlic and a light tomato sauce. Two of them, plus one O.G. potato ball, comprised my dinner for under $3.

Just thought you might like to know.

Seafood potato ball

Seafood potato ball

Inside the seafood potato ball

Inside the seafood potato ball

Porto’s continues to expand in the Southland, and will soon open a new location in Northridge. Rest in peace to founder Rosa Porto, who recently passed.